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Rare, exciting, fascinating. Odelya’s voice, saxophone, and piano instrumentation unlocks creative possibilities, encouraging living composers to create and explore. 

Trio Odelya

Odelya is a fluid project which shifts from duo to trio and more extensive formations, inviting other musicians and artists for cross-over collaborations.


Arrangements of works originally written for flute, clarinet, or viola are given a new colour by the new instrumentation with saxophone. Whether songs, pieces of the Avant-garde, or the premiere of a newly written composition, the ensemble enchants its audience with sound, virtuosity, and artistic presence.

Manon Blanc-Delsalle, Mari Ángeles del Valle Casado, and Vittoria Quartararo met at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Cologne during their Masters studies in New Music. Since then they have played together, at home in all musical styles, yet favoring the music of fin de siècle and contemporary, experimental works.

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Vittoria Quartararo, Mari Ángeles del Valle Casado, Manon Blanc-Delsalle ©Tumen Dondukov

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Odelya´s concert at the Trinitatiskirche in Bonn ©Yaroslav Likhachev

The apparent friction between these different aesthetics is based on historical awareness: many of the artistic and cultural movements that shaped the history of Europe until the present day sprang from the tensions at the end of the XIX century.

To quote Karl Kraus, that period was a «research laboratory for world destruction», and the birthplace for “the new” in almost every field of human thought and activity, including music. 

This concept serves as a compass for many of Odelya’s projects and reflects the trio’s creative attitude. 

Indeed, when “the old” is in such transparent decay, the new has to emerge and be welcomed.


Manon Blanc-Delsalle, mezzosopran

Mari Ángeles del Valle Casado, saxophone

Vittoria Quartararo, piano

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